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Sunday, May 4, 2008

Fun Monday

Kitten is our wonderful hostess this week.....thanks so much for volunteering Kitten!!! Here assignment is the following:

Tell me about the Super Hero in your life. Not from TV, but anyone that has been or is in your life that you have really looked up to or has made a impact on your life. It can one or many. You can share pictures if you like. Just have fun with it.

I have thought and thought about this all week and one person's name keeps popping up in my mind.....My friend Kim. Kim passed away last month after battling cancer for years. She was an incredible woman and taught me so much. She made friends everywhere she went. Her outlook on life was always positive, even at the end of her life. She hated gossip and stayed clear of it. She gave everyone the benefit of the doubt and was very slow to judge. I tend to be the opposite, but she taught me to see the world in a different way. Whenever I start to criticize or judge people, I hear Kim's voice in my perspective changes. She influenced me in her life and is continuing to influence me after her death.

At her funeral, the church was completely full, standing room only. Our church is not small. As I was relaying this to my neighbor she said to me...."I want to live like that!" She is absolutely correct, we all should live like that.

My Super Hero is Kim....I admired her in her life, the way she lived it, her philosophy, her open and friendly demeanor.....she has changed my thoughts and my perspective tremendously.

To learn about other Super Heroes please visit Kitten's place for the list..


karisma said...

Kim sounds like a wonderful super hero! If there were more people like her, wouldn't the world be a nicer place! I bet never a day goes by that you don't miss her! I know I would.

Faye said...

How fortunate we are to have people in our lives like your friend Kim--people who demand that we operate from our better instincts.

Beth from the Funny Farm said...

Each of us needs a Kim in our lives.

Mariposa said...

It does not matter how young she was when she passed away...but reading this post, I'm sure she lived a meaningful life! May she rest in peace...and may we all that Kim inside us!

Happy Fun Monday!

Hootin Anni said...

This is a super tribute to your hero, Kim. I personally say many times when someone has a positive outlook, no matter what battles they fight...they HAVE to be heroes.

My F M is posted.

ChrisB said...

She has left you a wonderful legacy~that is a lovely tribute to your friend.

Celeste said...

Kim lives on in your memories. Cancer can often be cruel, but the incredible thing is seeing people who learn to live in the moment and leave a legacy of happy memories behind them.

Jan said...

The ones we listen to, even when they're not here, those are great heros.

j said...

Gosh, I am so sorry for your loss but you were blessed to have had a friend like her in your life.

Be blessed.


Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

I am so sorry for your loss. She sounds like a wonderful person.

Attie said...

I am sorry you lost a wonderful Person to you!! They leave such a void!! I bet she is with you everyday!!

storyteller said...

Reading your loving tribute to your friend, Kim reminds me of a friend of mine who battled cancer for more than a decade before passing on … just as her youngest daughter completed high school … the goal she set for herself when she was first diagnosed. So many amazing stories of heroes today! I’ve written of my brother at Small Reflections.
Hugs and blessings,

Tiggerlane said...

Aversive to gossip and slow to judge? Oh, that I had those qualities...thanks so much for sharing Kim with us. Hopefully we all learn to live better lives b/c of those we call our heroes!

Sayre said...

What a lovely tribute to your friend. I know you miss her.

the planet of janet said...

this is a beautiful tribute to your friend. thank you for sharing it.

Irene Latham said...

Hi Alison - your post reminds me of how there are some people in this world we encounter that really make us better people. What a gift that is. Also, on a very personal note, I was named after my great grandmother about whom people said "she never said a bad thing about anybody." Oh how that has been the voice in my ear throughout my life! Definitely makes me think and reconsider before I speak (judge), much as Kim's voice does for you. I guess the best thing we can do is LISTEN.... xxoo

Sandy said...

I am touched often by your words as you were touched by hers.

Thank you.

IamwhoIam said...

yes we all could take that lesson to judge less and care more.


ConverseMomma said...

Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry about your friend. But, glad you had a blessing, such as her, in your life.
Love and Hugs!

kitten said...

Thanks for sharing! Kim sounds like the kind of hero we all need!

Gattina said...

She would have been my hero too !

Tera said...

I'm sorry that Kim is physically gone, but it sounds as if her spirit will live on forever, doing good for all who knew her and didn't. What a special person to have known and loved.

Jo Beaufoix said...

Kim sounds like a hero in every way. So sorry you lost her. Hope you're doing ok.

Anonymous said...

Everyone should live like that! An amazing hero.

Aoj and The Lurchers said...

It's good that Kim is still living on in your memories and that she can still influence you. She sounds like she was a wonderful person.

Melanie said...

Me too- that's how I want to live and how I want to be remembered.

Our Happy Happenings

Junebug said...

I am reminded by a small voice sometimes (I wish all the time) to think about what I am judging in someone else and realize what it is in me that does the same thing. Invariably, when I say something about someone or think it, I realize later that I do the very same thing but just don't admit it. Great post!

Pamela said...

a very good reminder that we need to tell people of our admiration - before they are gone.

Unknown said...

Kim sounds like a wonderful person! I'm sure she is missed by many.