My wonderful fairy loving friend Karisma has bestowed upon me this brilliant award!!! Thanks so much my friend...I will wear it proudly!! Along with the award there is the following meme:
A.) attached or single? Attached for the past 25 years
(B.) best friend? Terri, we have been friends for 32 years!!! Her real name is Putt.
(C.) cake or pie? Both
(D.) day of choice? any day is a good day...it is all about your attitude!
(E.) essential item? hand lotion, wearing gloves all day at work does a number on my hands...and on my off days I am in my garden playing in the dirt.
(F. ) favorite color? green, as in the color and as in living green
(G. ) gummy bears or worms? Neither, much prefer chocolate
(H.) hometown? same town I am now living in!
(I. ) favorite indulgence? chocolate
(J. ) January or July? both...I love curling up in winter with a good book in front of the fire, and I love playing outside in the summer
(K. ) kids? 2, a boy and a girl
(L.) life isn't complete without? hugs and kisses and laughter and sunshine and rainy days.
M.) marriage date? April 9, 1988
(N.) number of brothers & sisters? 4 brothers, no sisters....but I now have sister in laws
(O.) oranges or apples? both
(P. ) phobias? claustrophobic, and flying....how am I going to get to England next summer??
(Q.) quotes? Live, Laugh, and Love
(R.) reasons to smile? too many to list....enjoy each day and always look for the silver lining!
(S.) season of choice? all, I love the change in seasons
(T.) tag seven peeps! Hmm...let's see here....how about Stella, ChrisB, Chrys, Melissa, Angela, Marmite and Tea, and Cyndy
(U.) unknown fact about me? what secret can I share?? I don't watch much TV, but I love the shows Jon and Kate plus 8 and Supernanny
(V. ) vegetable? love them....all of them, except eggplant
(W.) worst habits? snacking at night while playing on the 'puter
(X.) x-ray or ultrasound? neither....I take xrays at work regularly..and an ultrasound, in my life, means there is something wrong.
(Y.) your favorite food? chocolate
(Z.) zodiac sign? Gemini, can't you tell by my answers...I am definitely a twin!!
Whew...that was a long one....are you still here??