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Sunday, June 29, 2008

Fun Monday

The Chaotic Lisa is our most excellent hostess with the mostess this week and here is her assignment:

A quirk is defined as a peculiarity of action, behavior, or personality; mannerism. We are all unique individuals, having quirks that help make us who we are. I would like to know what your quirks are. Confess to one, confess to ten, you decide. Just come back Monday ready to spill the beans, the rest of the world may look at you like you are from Mars, but you‘re among friends here. We won’t laugh, in fact that eccentricity just may endear you to us more.

So, at first I thought I would ask my family to help me with this...but at the moment my husband is kind of irritated with me so I didn't think that was a very good idea. Then I thought I would talk about my husband's quirks because I am kind of irritated with him also...but then I thought that probably wasn't a very good idea either....words said or written cannot be undone!

Now I have to rely on only myself....I thought and thought...and in reality my quirks are not really quirky to me because it is my norm. Other people might think they are quirks though so here is a list of some of them:

*my bed must be made everyday, and the sheet has to be folded down over the blankets....I can't climb in it at night if it isn't just so.

*I can't leave the house if there are dirty dishes in the sink.

*I vacuum the family room every day (we have dogs, cats, and kids and the family room has carpet in it)

*my bedside clock is set 25 minutes ahead of the actual time....I don't know why....every morning I have to calculate back to the actual time in order to ascertain how much time I left to lounge in bed.

That is all I can think of right now...I am sure other people can tell you many more of my quirks!! But enough about me...head on over to Lisa's place to read everyone elses' quirks.


Mariposa said...

I also set my bedside clock in advance...and it is because I most of the time prolong my sleep... LOL

Happy Monday!

Unknown said...

Back when I worked I always had my clock set ahead by about 10 minutes but pretended it was the real time so I wasn't ever late.

Vacuum every day? I guess I did when the kids were little, but not anymore. :)

Thanx for playing. :)

Anonymous said...

My clocks are usually set 5 minutes ahead of time. And I also make my bed. A habit from childhood.

Debra said...


Would you mind stopping by to share some of your quirkiness with me? I rarely ever make my bed(although that is probably because I have to crawl back into it so many times throughout the day!), and dishes sometimes sit in my sink for a bit longer than they should. Maybe those are a couple of my quirks:)

Thanks so much for all of your kind words and prayers for my dad. I really appreciate them.


Pamela said...

I am the same way about the sheet (I have battled my hubby about that for years .. he just doesn't understand about folded over sheets)

karisma said...

So, when are you coming to live with me??? No one else around here does the dishes or vaccuums! You would be most welcome of course!

SwampAngel65 said...

My alarm clock is just 10 minutes ahead...then I hit snooze and when I do get up, have no idea of what the real time is!

I have kids and a dog and cat, but can barely bring myself to vacuum once a week! Send me some of your quirkiness!!!

Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

My husband used to do the "clock 20 minutes ahead" thing. I HATE that! I told him it was either me or the clock when we were first married! I won :0)

Hootin Anni said...

I have a thing about dirty dishes too...but I have relinquished the job to Bud. I cook, he cleans.

Love the very first paragraph especially today. That was a good piece of writing. Made me giggle.

My FM is posted...come on over!!

Unknown said...

My clock is set ahead as well. Actually ALL of my clocks are set ahead!
The volume in my car has to be on an evenly divisible number. Can't be on something like 11. My husband thinks I'm NUTS!

Jeanna said...

Hey, except for the clock thing, can you move in?

Tiggerlane said...

I set my clock forward...but 25 minutes? I'm afraid my sleepy brain would just say "forget the math" and sleep until noon.

Heather said...

I wish I had that sink problem! I can leave dishes on the table if I'm in a rush, but then the whole table must get cleaned off before dinner.

And the family room carpet drives me crazy! It's the one room I let the kids eat in besides the kitchen, and there are always crumbs, even if I just vacuumed!

The clock thing never made sense to me, the snooze button, either. I always would figure out the real time if the clock was set ahead, and I would rather sleep as long as I could, then get right up instead of hitting snooze two or three times. (It has taken me some adjusting to my husband's snooze button habits!)

Jo Beaufoix said...

We set our alarm clock ahead of time to so we have an extra 5 minutes to get ready, and we hoover the family room every day too. :D

Anglophile Football Fanatic said...

My clock is ahead, too. But, the cleaning things are foreign to me.

Irish Coffeehouse said...

Oh yes, I have to agree about making the bed! Our is made daily too. It's literally the first thing I do when I wake up.

Great list! :) Thanks for sharing.

Molly said...

You make the bed, vacuum, and do dishes. Would you come and live in my house?

Anonymous said...

Okay, the more I read the more quirks I find that I have! lol.

I'll never understand clocks that are wrong! I just can't wrap my muddled brain around it.

Anonymous said...

wow!! My clock too is ahead, but with 3 minutes, like that makes a difference, but the car one is by 5 minutes and that helps me a lot to be on time

Anonymous said...

YES! I set my clock 25-35 minutes ahead, and I can't know how far advance it is set, so I have to change it. I guess that's pretty quirky. And there I thought I didn't have any quirks... thanks

IamwhoIam said...

I don't sleep under the covers I have a half sheet I sleep with and fold when I get up in the morning. So the fact I don't un make my bed is it than made? I also do the clock ahead, but my brain don't work in the morning so I run around panic till I have way to work and realize I 15 mins ahead of schedule. =^).

Ari_1965 said...

I wish I would make my bed every day. It's so nice to climb into a nicely made bed in the evening.

Anonymous said...

I make my bed every day, too. Have to get all my pillows arranged...ha, ha! Unfortunately, dirty dishes in the sink don't bother me at all. I have quite a collection sitting there right now. I keep my alarm clock set 30 minutes early. I love my half hour of bed lounging before I start my day!

Anonymous said...

I have all my clocks set ahead, but at different times, just to make sure I am nice and confused. The only one that is the correct time is the computer and that's only because I haven't figured out how to change it!

Aoj and The Lurchers said...

I do the clock thing too!

OGD Critic said...

I can't wait to tell my darling hubby about you.

He thinks I'm the only person in the world that has to have the bed made in the morning and won' leave the house with a sink full of dishes (we have a dishwasher for cryn out loud, how hard is it to put them in the DW before walking away!)

Thanks for sharing! We have the same quirks!!!

Anonymous said...

You can come vacuum my house next!!!!

Great quirks!

Faye said...

So do you set the bedside clock ahead 25 minutes so you can have some time before the family wakes up? On the other hand, if you and hubby are kind of irritated with each other I guess you're not talking much right now anyway!:)

Have a good 4th weekend, Alison.

Anonymous said...

Amen to the made bed.

Anonymous said...

LOL - We've been married 29 years and have finally learned to leave each other alone when irritated. It took about 25 years.

We make the bed every morning - one of those things that started after we had a house full of children and any island of neatness was welcome. Now I can't leave the room before it's made! Same with the dirty dishes in the sink - I just can't face them in the morning or I'm in a bad mood right off the bat. I hate to vacuum so it gets done sporatically, but we don't have chilren or pets, so it isn't quite as critical.

Other quirks: changing decor with seasons - I change out wreaths and pillows and bedding with the seasons. My sister thinks I'm nuts, but I love making the change in our home - I feel like I'm welcoming the Seasons. I used to move our furniture around every couple of months until my husband was so irritated, that I switched to changing only decor - he's been much happier! :)

Oh clocks! He keeps it ahead about 40 minutes which is fine, but I despise waking up to an alarm and morning radio personalities are worse - I bought a cd of a thunderstorms and we wake to thunder and rain in the morning. I love it! And the best thing is on the weekend we can sleep right through it. It's conducive to a happy wife in the morning and I heard somewhere "Happy wife, happy life" :)

Karen in SC

Anonymous said...

Thank god for tile. I can't stand vaccuuming.

We set our clocks ahead 20 minutes too. It really does help, because I have a hard time getting up, being the non-morning person that I am, and I need that time to get going and get the children up and going.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! You crack me up! My clock on my bedstand is set ten minutes ahead. My husband's clock across the room on my dresser is set to the correct time. It cannot be next to him because he'll never get up otherwise. It is on my dresser because his dresser is very tall. Man... we are kind of weird. Hmmmmm.

Oh, I must have the sheet folded over the top of the blankets too... and I have to have clean sheets on our bed if we ever go anywhere overnight... even if it is just one night... because I want to come home to my bed all nice and fresh.

I'm leaving now... before I tell you more of my secrets.

karisma said...

Ok I hope you appreciate my vote over at Swampy's place. Equoni is sending threatening letters and calling me names. I have stuck by my vote, refusing to cave in to pressure! But I think if she does not win she is out to get you! I think the girl is very hungry for peaches!

karisma said...

Conrats! My love! Looks like you have won a prize. All is fair in love and war at Swampy's house! I am most happy for you my sweet fairy!

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

The clock thing amuses me to no end. My car's clock is ahead, but I can't fix it, as the button broke... :(

Sayre said...

I like to keep my clock 10 minutes ahead and it irks me no end when someone helpfully "fixes" the clock for me.