What do you see when you look at this cloud? My son saw an elephant. I can see that too. He is facing the left and his trunk is curled up. What do you see?
Something very strange happened to me last night/this morning. I woke up out of a deep sleep and I was very, very nauseous. I was afraid to move I felt that sick. I laid there trying to calm down and figure out what the cause of this feeling was. I didn't feel sick, sick, just extremely nauseous. As I was laying there, I realized that I was in the middle of a dream before I awoke. In the dream I was flying a small biplane, making loop-di-loops, and basically not flying in a straight line. It dawned on my that I was suffering from motion sickness! That has never happened before.
Regarding the clouds, I see an tornado in the top one, and nothing in the last. I know, I'm hopeless.
The motion sickness thing is scary, but at least you figured it out.
The first one i see an angel or person looking down through the clouds, holding his/ her hand up to her eyes.
The second is a ten gallon hat for me.
And I think that is freaky about your dream. I wonder if the nausea is what caused you to wake up?
LOVE the cloud pictures...i see the elephant ANd micky mouse.
CRAZY that you got motion sickness from a dream. i am impressed.
i once had a dream i was looking for a child and i woke up to call the police to report the child missing...it was THAT real. my heart was racing and i was panicked over this child...panicked! i am glad the phone was on the other side of the house..it took me the walk to realize it was a dream.
oh and call me when you get the chance...Paul is having surgery next week so...i am not sure what life is going to look like for a little while.
I clearly see the elephant. But, the other one looks like a funky airlplane!
And that is funny considering you were dreaming yourself nauseous.
I saw the elephant but maybe only because you pointed it out. In the second one my initial thought was the same as Karmyn but I also see a figure coming out of waves -swimming.
The last time I woke up at night nauseous like that I was pregnant with our first son. Any chance of that? Wouldn't the kids be excited! :D
Karen in SC
before I read other comments and be influenced.
The first one: a rocking horse at the park (one one of those huge springs)
The second one: A kids bathtub submarine!
and I woke up once having a "heart attack" with that pressue in my chest.
Then I realized the fat cat was sleeping on my chest.
That dream is freaky!
I see clouds, sorry I am rubbish at that game but I like watching them drift across the sky!
Welcome to my world sweetie! Now don't go making a habit of it, its bad for the body! Thats pretty much how my sleep is 3 weeks out of 4, I don't deep sleep ever, I dream a lot, some stronger and more vivid than others but at peak time its not unusual for me to wake around 8 times exactly the way you just did. Its like I am actually living what happens in the dream. Quite often not pleasant. Usually exhausting, often scary. Although I've learned to disconnect myself from the fear.
As for the clouds, funny you should post about them. With all the looking up I've been doing lately I have been musing over the same sorts of things. Oooooh look at that picture, its amazing how many things you can see in the sky! A bit like a crystal ball. Cool!
It always throws me for a loop when my dreams and reality start intertwining. Love the cloud pictures.
What cool cloud pictures! I see the elephant in the first one, but the second one....I don't really see anything. Wow...what a scary dream...very weird!
I've had motion sickness while sleeping, but usually only after consuming vast quantities of wine!!
Nice cloud pictures, I hope that you have recovered from the nausea. I am looking forward to reading your Fun Monday post.
Okay, in the first photo I see a tornado--or vornado In the second photo, it's Superman flying to the right. The skies have been just beautiful around here lately, especially at dawn and dusk. I know how disturbing it is to wake up dizzy or nauseated--like you're going to pass out. I think about this because I live alone except for Willie the pit bull. Hopefully your husband would be better in an emergency than my Willie!
Where for art though, my faerie friend? I have missed you this week!
I love cloud pictures. The day we left the ocean last year I looked up and there was a huge fish cloud-perfectly formed- above the marina. It was amazing.
Alison, I hope you are on vacation or something! Thinking about you!
who gets motion sick from a dream? pregnant women....hmmm....I know, I know, but still, wouldn't that be a shock.
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